The competitive dance company of TDS Cape Cod

Expectations of a company member


Being a company member of Empower Dance Company demands commitment, and is designed for the more serious dancer. Dancers must be self-motivated and be able to self-evaluate. They must have solid technical and performance skills, and also have a strong desire to grow and develop as a dancer. Most of all, they must have positive attitudes, show respect and support for their studio, fellow dancers and teachers, and be an example of good leadership.

Company members are required to take a minimum of 3 classes a week with ballet as a mandatory requirement. They will participate in 1-2 conventions and 1-2 regional competitions in a dance season. Empower dancers will also need to participate in a summer season competition.

There are so many benefits of competition for dancers. Competing against the finest teams allows our teachers and students to be inspired by talent from all over the region and country. It will keep both the dancers and studio improving and evolving with the times, and challenging us to new heights. For students who want to become professional dancers, or just become the most well trained dancer they can be, this is the track for them.