Our Mission

The Dance Space Cape Cod was established with one clear mission: to be a place where every student can develop a love of dance no matter what level they are at. TDS is not only a place for the instruction of various dance styles and technical training, it is a space that fosters creativity, positivity, artistry and teamwork. Every student is encouraged to believe in themselves, challenge themselves and also to compare themselves to no one. We have only ourselves to work to be better than.

The benefits of dancing are amazing for the mind, body and spirit, and students will not only learn to challenge and believe in themselves, but they will learn to be positive and encouraging of others. Working together to complete choreography and helping each other memorize the steps are key factors of every dance class.

Every student at The Dance Space is important because the most exhilarating performances happen only when the energies of every dancer are matched, and the stage is full of children exuding their love of dance.

Ready to join us?